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Infection Of Spine

Infection Of Spine

  • Diagnosis of various infection of spine like Tuberculosis of spine, other bacterial infection as well as Fungal infection and its management
  • Spinal infections may occur following surgery or spontaneously in patients with certain risk factors. Risk factors for spinal infections include poor nutrition, immune suppression, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, cancer, diabetes and obesity.
  • Post operative infection is also very common in spine surgeries which can be controlled by taking proper preventive care
  • For the treatment of post operative infection, surgery is required in form of debridement to clean the infected tissues.
  • Fungal infections are less common but can occur, particularly in individuals with compromised immune systems.
  • Because of the infection in spine, there will be severe pain and instability of spine associated with neurological symptoms, surgery is required along with multidisciplinary team approach including, microbiologist, pathologist, infectious disease specialist ( physician).

Here are key points related to spinal infections :

  • Hematogenous Spread : Bacteria or fungi can enter the bloodstream and spread to the spine, particularly in individuals with a weakened immune system or existing infections.
  • Post-Surgical Infections : Spinal surgeries carry a risk of infection, and postoperative spinal infections can occur.
  • Contiguous Spread : Infections from nearby tissues, such as those in the urinary or respiratory tract, can spread to the spine.
  • Bacteria : Staphylococcus aureus is a common cause of spinal infections, but other bacteria, including Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can be involved.
  • Neurological Symptoms : In severe cases, compression of the spinal cord or nerves can lead to weakness, numbness, or bowel/bladder dysfunction.
  • Complications : If left untreated, spinal infections can lead to chronic pain, neurological deficits, spinal instability, or the formation of abscesses.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial for a favorable outcome. Individuals with symptoms suggestive of a spinal infection should seek medical attention promptly. Treatment plans are individualized based on factors such as the type of microorganism, the extent of the infection, and the overall health of the patient. It's important to note that information provided here is general, and specific details of diagnosis and treatment should be discussed with a healthcare professional who can assess the individual case.